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Copyright Policy

We rejoice that you would want to share Got Questions Ministries content with others. To God be the glory! Our policies are detailed below. Please direct any specific usage inquiries and permissions requests that exceed these guidelines to questions@gotquestions.org.


Our ministry's text content may be freely printed and distributed, emailed, or shared provided it is not sold for profit and Got Questions Ministries is clearly identified as the author. Quotes from article text may be shared on a personal website, social media account, or in a personal publication in line with fair use guidelines and provided that Got Questions Ministries is clearly identified as the author. Beyond this, we would ask that those quotes not exceed 200 words per article (not including direct quotes from the Bible) and 10% of the entirety of the personal account or work.

Article text may be included in a printed or digitized publication to be sold for profit in line with fair use guidelines and provided that Got Questions Ministries is clearly identified as the author. Beyond that, provided no more than 200 words per article (not including direct quotes from the Bible) are used, the text does not comprise more than 10% of the publication, and Got Questions Ministries is clearly identified as the author, use permission is assumed.

Text Usage in Video

Article text may be shown or recited on a video provided usage of such text complies with fair use guidelines and provided that Got Questions Ministries is clearly identified as the author. Beyond that, we would ask that such text does not exceed 200 words per article (not including direct quotes from the Bible) and 10% of the video content. Please note that many of our articles are already available in video form on the Got Questions YouTube Channel.

Translating Text

You may translate any of our article text into another language to freely print, distribute, or share provided it is not for profit and is done so in compliance with fair use guidelines. This includes clearly noting Got Questions Ministries as the original author and providing a url address for the original article.

You may translate article text to share online, via a social media account, or in a video provided the content you have translated does not exceed 200 words per article (not including direct quotes from the Bible) and 20% of the entirety of your work. Got Questions Ministries should be clearly noted as the original author and the original version should be linked.

Please note that many of our articles are already translated in text and also available in video form. If you are interested in sharing your translations with Got Questions Ministries, please contact intl@gotquestions.org.

Video Usage Policy

Direct or embedded links to our video content, via YouTube or a GotQuestions.org article that contains the video, may be freely shared in any online platform or app provided the intent of the sharing is not for profit and Got Questions Ministries remains clearly identified as the producer of the content.

Similarly, our video content may be freely shown to any size audience, provided the showing of the video is not intended for profit and Got Questions Ministries is clearly identified as the producer of the content. You may download any of our videos for offline viewing for a church or other group. However, you may not download, copy, or duplicate our content and then make it available online to others in any way, nor make it available offline to others for profit.

Usage Note

Our ministry materials are intended to promote the gospel and to be in line with the message of the Christian faith. If you are using our materials beyond general fair use guidelines, we would ask that you not use our materials along with accompanying messages that are intended to undermine those goals.

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